
Cult & Beyond: Witchcraft

The main characters of selected films are women. Strong, independent women who want to stay who they are, live their lives in peace, find love of their life, own a prestigious ballet school or run a department store. They might help themselves with some magic from time to time. Depending on the era they live in, the outcome of their efforts varies dramatically.

Fear and uncertainty reign in the dark times. Crops fail, cattle suddenly becomes ill, milk goes sour, unexpected death comes. When people can’t find rational explanations, they turn to look for the source of problems in the supernatural. Witchcraft, magic, devil worship. An ecclesiastical file Malleus maleficarum (The Witch Hammer) was published in Strasbourg in 1486. It served as a handbook for identification, torture, confession and liquidation of witches for many decades. According to the handbook, women are weaker than men and thus much more inclined to practicing magic and witchcraft.

The main characters of selected films are women. Strong, independent women who want to stay who they are, live their lives in peace, find love of their life, own a prestigious ballet school or run a department store. They might help themselves with some magic from time to time. Depending on the era they live in, the outcome of their efforts varies dramatically.

Rastislav Steranka