
Bali G

Having lived for years at the center of a vibrant Scottish and Dutch club scene, Bali G had his musical aesthetic formed by venues with rich history such as Glasgow’s Subclub, La Cheetah or Berkley Suite, and Amsterdam’s De School, while also being influenced by more experimental Eastern European musical upbringing. Amsterdam offered a nurturing environment with its eclectic record store culture, inviting deep into Brazilian and Balearic rhythms, and vintage House music. Following his studies in Sound Design at Edinburgh Uni, he decided to return to Bratislava. Bali fosters an impeccable selection for those who have the ear and appetite for NYC, Detroit, and Chicago House classics reminiscent of the infamous times of Paradise Garage. Among artists who inspired him are Tama Sumo, Kerri Chandler, Glenn Underground, Armand Van Helden, Paul Johnson, Octo Octa, Hunee, and Palms Trax just to name a few…

DJ set, 150 min.